It was a lovely time staying with my Aunt and Uncle and the turkey was fabulously cut by my uncle with an ELECTRIC KNIFE!!! okay, call me ignorant but i had no idea that there was such a thing as an electric carving knife! I mean yes, once we discovered self-cleaning toilet seats, it was only a small leap to electric knives, BUT STILL!!! Gee, I must really be behind the times.
Well, now I'm chillin' in the Tampa Bay airport, and I've come to discover that I feel very at home in an airport....I've never been to this one before, (besides arriving through it a week ago!), and yet most airports have the same basic elements, even if some are ridiculously hard to navigate.
This is my first time travelling alone, and I'm enjoying it immensely. True, it's a mere two-hour flight with only one connecting flight but hey! Come on! Give me some credit! I'm a teen with self-esteem problems....that is the correct terminology right? :)
So have I gotten off track here? Gone from talking of family and thanksgiving to praising my natural abilities to travel independantly? Slightly, but there is a point to this selfish rant...
Honestly I think I usually find myself substituting thankfulness with attention; in other words, rather than actually SAYING "I'm thankful for the ability to go to college" I simply say "Wow...I'm going to college!" In one sense I am appreciative, but on the other hand, I am making no conscious decision to give thanks to the One who bestowed these things on me.
God, thank you for making it clear to me that I belong at Belhaven right now.
Thank you for helping me in my classes so that I have not been overwhelmed.
Thank you for providing such beautiful, precious friends here.
Thank you for my dearest friends who minister to me despite the distance between us now.
Thank you for technology that allows me to be so well-connected with all of my family.
Thank you for taking away my fear of life so that I can enjoy such things as hanging out in airports.
Thank you for all of this, and I admit that there are things I still wish I had. I wish I had them, but I acknowledge that I do not need them.