Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How To: get natural curls!

You know how, sometimes, you wake up in the morning....(feelin' like P-Diddy–SHUT UP!!)
Ahem, you wake up and you pass a mirror. Suddenly you stop, turn around, and take a longer look in the mirror.

                                                         "Hmm. I look good!"

It's that magical moment when you have successfully combined:
-pre-sleep routine
-actual sleep (and all its glorious drooling-face-in-pillow hours)

Sometimes you try so hard! Brush teeth. Put hair up. Take off makeup. Lie down carefully on your side so that your face can rest, smiling, on your soft pillow.

But TADA! 

6 to 8 hours later you're waking up gasping because your face was buried in your pillow, your breath STILL smells bad, and when you check yourself in the mirror, your eyes look like stretched saran wrap and your hair either looks like a dead animal or the location/reason for said-animal.

But hey, this post isn't about negativity! This isn't to relay the futile attempts in life to feel better about one's self! This post is like: hey-yo-its-all-good-you-can-even-look-good-first-thing-in-the-morning-and-i'm-not-sure-HOW-that-happens-but-it-does-BAM!

So here's the best I can do for a How To Wake Up Looking As Good As Possible:

Pre-Sleep Routine:
-no matter what, brush your teeth. Its just gross otherwise. 
-hair certainly depends on the person since there are lots of different hair-types out there...but if you're like me (straight, long, brown, uninteresting), wash it beforehand, and then immediately put it in a french braid.
-now here's a risk i encourage you to take: try not taking off ALL your makeup. Here's what I mean. Wash your face, and get the worst of the mascara from under your eyes, but don't go scrubbing your eyes too much. Just get most of it off.

Actual Sleep:
-Just.....just sleep. If possible. Don't even TRY to avoid pillow face, or drool face, or pillow-drool-face.

And Voila! You'll either wake up looking like a princess from a disney movie

....or nothing will have changed.

           If all else fails.....at least your can take your hair down and enjoy relaxed curls for the day!

 (Okay, but, lets not get ahead of ourselves. NO ONE is capable of being as great as Bernadette Peters!)

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I speak, read, make, think, and write...in that order.