Monday, March 22, 2010

Cute little blue-eyed gal!

This spring break I got the chance to visit some dear friends that I had not seen in a long time.

I wish I could say that I learned something over break. Where I stand right now, all that seems to keep coming up, is how incapable I am. How utterly unskilled I am with life. It's tempting to fall into that and let it consume me.

Or if nothing else, I could become angry. Perpetually mad at someone or something.

But that is no way to live life. It ISN'T living. It's pathetic. And there is so much beauty in life to be enjoyed, when viewed from the right frame of mind.

It would be so easy for me to give up with a lot of things right now. It stinks not being able to see these beautiful things in life, and not being able to appreciate them as well. 

I definitely miss being a child. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Last few days...

I thank God that I am no longer as enslaved to my image as I have been in the past.

I mean come on! You would have to have good self-esteem to post THAT online!

Besides, sometimes you have to focus on the beauty of those around you, to discover your own beauty.

I love these girls. So much. And somehow they all manage to look stunning even when caught unawares by my camera!

These poor purple fingers belong to my dear friend who put up with recording with me for a whole day! Steph, thank you for sacrificing your fingertips so that I could finish this album before break!

Stephanie and "Miriam" who were both instrumental (pun very much intended!) in bringing about the final pieces to my album "Into The TeaCupboard".

These are our "we-will-succeed!" faces.

It took a large part of the day....


That darn C#m7 was the bane of our existence in that moment of our lives....

I was soooooooo pleased when it was finally done!

I am so happy with my album. It's rough. It's not perfect. But it is me. I really tried to be vulnerable in a couple of the songs....and in the end I am happy to say that many of the songs are full of hope and joy!

About Me

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I speak, read, make, think, and that order.